Cutting down on collecting trips over the Summer generated time to finally get an update on Steetley Minerals with over 250 new mineral specimens now available. This update includes a large selection from the Roland Thomas and David Walker-Barker collections both strong on fluorite, quartz and aesthetic species from around the world. 

Steetley Minerals has been on the web for over 20 years now and was one of the first websites selling minerals to go online in the UK. The site has a wide choice of Worldwide specimens but retains a strong emphasis on those from the British Isles with minerals from the North of England and Scotland a speciality.

We do buy collections so if you are wanting to sell a mineral collection whatever size, then please contact us

There are also additions to the new and second-hand minerals/mining books section and all UKJMM issues are now available.

New minerals specimens available on Steetley Minerals stand at the North Pennines Mineral Expo

North Pennines Mineral Expo front pageNorth Pennines Mineral Expo back page


We hope you enjoy exploring the website and that you find something of interest. 

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